• What is the Fuzzy Vikor Method?

It has been researched that the applicability of the fuzzy vikor method as a supplier selection technique has been taking place in food and beverage businesses for a long time. The main purpose of the study is to determine the applicability of both qualitative and quantitative data...

Supplier Selection by Fuzzy Vikor Method in Food and Beverage Businesses (The Case of Turkey)
It has been researched that the applicability of the fuzzy vikor method as a supplier selection technique has been taking place in food and beverage businesses for a long time. The main purpose of the study is to determine the applicability of both qualitative and quantitative data within the framework of set theory. For this, a questionnaire, which is a part of the quantitative method, and a semi-structured interview, which is a part of the qualitative method, were conducted in food and beverage businesses. A study was conducted with senior managers in food and beverage businesses with a high level of qualitative dimension. 
The research was carried out on 746 food and beverage establishments in big cities such as Adana, Afyonkarahisar, Ankara, Antalya, Aydın, Balıkesir, Bolu, Bursa, Çanakkale, Denizli, Diyarbakır, Edirne, Erzurum, Eskişehir, Gaziantep, Hatay, İzmir. Istanbul, Kahramanmaraş, Kayseri, Kocaeli, Konya, Kütahya, Manisa, Mersin, Mardin, Muğla, Nevşehir, Ordu, Sakarya, Samsun, Sivas, Şanlıurfa, Tekirdağ, Trabzon, Van. As a result of this; The use of the fuzzy vycor method in food and beverage businesses is very effective. 
Thanks to the mixed method applied; Fuzzy Vikor method as a supplier selection method in food and beverage businesses has revealed its advantages in the near future if used correctly. Moreover; It has been determined that the efficiency level of food and beverage businesses can be increased if the fuzzy method is used correctly.
Keywords: Food and Beverage Businesses, Supplier Selection, Vikor Method.
The applicability of the vikor method as a new choice manufacturing in economic-beverage enterprises, to be used in industrial enterprises for a long time, has been investigated. The main purpose of the research is to determine the shape applicability of the method of adjusting the composition of those who use numerical data, as well as education. Fully implemented orientation, which is a survey and data collection process, which is one of the good collection techniques in Buin-Beverage businesses. Research can be carried out in enterprises of various sizes but qualitatively large. 
The research was conducted in Adana, Afyonkarahisar, Ankara, Antalya, Aydın, Balıkesir, Bolu, Bursa, Çanakkale, Denizli, Diyarbakır, Edirne, Erzurum, Eskişehir, Gaziantep, Hatay, İzmir, İstanbul, Kahramanmaraş, where Turkey's high-growth beverage businesses are concentrated. Large loads such as Kocaeli, Konya, Kütahya, Manisa, Mersin, Mardin, Muğla, City, Ordu, Sakarya, Samsun, Sivas, Şanlıurfa, Tekirdağ, Trabzon, Van were carried out with 746 beverage establishments. 
Researches can be used in applications that can be applied. With a model that can be applied with an application planning consisting of applied mixed-applied designs and applications that can be applied in Turkey, the selection can benefit from applications that can be applied and applied in applications that can be applied. Also, accurate guessing can be made.
Keywords: Food and Beverage Businesses, Preselection, Vikor Method.
Today, with the disappearance of the boundaries of the phenomenon of globalization, the conditions of competition have made the continuity of the enterprises obligatory. With the increasing competitive efficiency with globalization, businesses have started to search for different methods in the production process. One of the leading methods is supplier selection methods. Thus, a correct supplier selection method can help increase customer satisfaction and reduce costs, while increasing the competitiveness of businesses (Boer, 2017; Zhang et al., 2016; Frost et al., 2016; Avcıkurt, et al., 2010).
One of the most important decisions for businesses is supplier selection. The supplier selection process, which is a multi-scale decision-making problem, has a feature that continues to be important today, especially with a critical decision-making process. Especially recently, businesses have become an indispensable phenomenon in order to respond quickly to customer requests due to the rapid development of technology and globalization, as well as the success of the supplier as well as their own success. Therefore, producing quality and low-cost products can only be possible with the right supplier selection. 
Likewise, supplier selection
The process is very important in food and beverage businesses that produce complex products. Supplier selection not only affects customer satisfaction, costs and competitive advantage in food and beverage businesses, but also plays a role in the continuity of consumers' vital functions. In this context, supplier selection in food and beverage businesses has been expanded as a more complex and fragile issue compared to other businesses (Jiang, et al., 2017; Com and Phil, 2016; Kaplan et al., 2016; Van et al., 2016). al., 2016).
Supplier Selection Process in Food and Beverage Businesses 
Suppliers are the most important fact of the supply chain, choosing the right supplier in accordance with the strategy and goals of the enterprise is a very important decision problem. The competitiveness of the entire supply chain can be enhanced if the supplier becomes part of a well-managed designed supply chain. Supplier selection, which includes many qualitative and quantitative facts, is a multi-purpose decision problem with a hierarchical structure that deals with many different actions in the enterprise. The main purpose of supplier selection is to identify possible high-quality suppliers that consistently and seamlessly address the needs of the business at an affordable price level. 
The selection process is the comparison of suppliers using the common set. Again; Evaluation of possible suppliers differs from each other according to the business need. Supplier selection is one of the most important decisions for organizations. Especially; In recent years, several studies have emerged that support the importance of supply selection. (Bellido and Heras, 2017; Şen, 2007: 38; Özel and Özyörük, 2007; Bevilacqua et al., 2006; Boer and Wegen, 2003: 109).
Depending on the developing supply chain understanding, buyer-supplier relations today are based on long-term relations as joint ventures instead of short-term relations. For this reason, supplier selection decision based on establishing long-term connections should be considered as a critical decision process for business managers. (Türer et al., 2008: 38). As a matter of fact, to produce quality and low-cost products for businesses; only if possible with the right choice of supplier. (Glock, 2008: 332).
Choosing the right supplier provides an affordable cost in purchasing the product; it also positively affects the development of competitive advantage. (Xia and Wu, 2007; 494). Especially in recent times, depending on the rapid development of technology and globalization, companies have become an indispensable phenomenon in addition to their own successes in order to respond quickly to customer requests.
The supplier selection process, which is a multi-scale decision-making problem, has a feature that continues to be important today, especially with a critical decision-making process. (Boer and Wegen, 2003). Food and beverage businesses use about 3000 kinds of products in service production because they are businesses that produce complex products. It is only possible to produce high quality products in a wide range of products by choosing the right supplier efficiently. (Dulmin and Mininno, 2003; Boer et al., 2001; Sarkis and Talluri, 2002; Albayrakoğlu, 2006; Avcıkurt et al., 2010).
Supplier Selection Methods: Ahp (Analytical Hierarchy Process) to Bahp and Fuzzy Vikor Methods in Food and Beverage Businesses
In addition to the concrete concepts that individuals create, abstract concepts are an effective way for them to decide on their daily lives, and there is an ambiguity between these concepts. In cases where the number of measures is more than one in decision-making problems, various scientific methods have been proposed to find solutions to such problems. (Alp and Gündoğdu, 2012: 9). Naturally; Supplier selection is an important issue in modern food and beverage businesses. Especially among the increasing competitive environment; businesses prefer long-term supplier relationships. (Avcı Öztürk and Başkaya, 2012). For this, it is inevitable for businesses to make strategic decisions. These strategic decisions are generally made long-term and involve uncertainty. (Seçme and Özdemir, 2008). 
As a result of this; people searched a few solutions and came up with fuzzy logic. Due to the similarity to the human thinking logic, the right decision is taken by using different methods, taking this logic into account. Since the analytic hierarchical process of multi-criteria decision methods is not suitable for making a decision in an uncertain situation; FAHP (Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process) was brought together with fuzzy logic (Göksu and Güngör, 2008; Mikhailov and Tsvetinov, 2004). Evaluating at intervals is more reliable than evaluation involving the right values ​​and decision maker. In this content; In fuzzy logic, not only white and black colors are taken into account, but also the grayscale between them. This logic is similar in terms of suitability to the human evaluation system.
AHP and BAHP offer effective solutions to multi-criteria decision problems. Decision components related to decision problems are structured at different hierarchical levels. The goal is at the top of the hierarchy, while the possible alternatives are at the bottom of the hierarchy. In the middle hierarchy, one or more decision criteria are structured. AHP allows decision makers to weight criteria and make pairwise comparisons between criteria. Besides the AHP, it does not provide to reflect human thoughts and attitudes in criteria comparison. 
On the other hand, BAHP is known as an analytical tool used in modeling unstructured problems in various fields such as management sciences, economic, social and human senses. . That's why BAHP stands out by identifying and analyzing problems that don't contain accurate data. BAHP aims to select alternatives within the hierarchical structure by evaluating and making use of fuzzy set theory. (Siew, 2016; Ustasüleyman and Perçin, 2012; Alp and Gündoğdu, 2012; Toksarı and Toksarı, 2011; Sofyalıoğlu, 2009).
Fuzzy logic is a method that aims to bring the human-specific decision-making feature to machines. Fuzzy logic, as the name suggests, provides a viable and fuzzy application of logic rules. In classical logic, it softens sudden transitions such as true or false, present and absent, or 1 and 0. (Pradhan, 2016) ; Akyüz, 2012: 325; Günden and Miran, 2008; Tang and Beynon, 2005; Mon et al., 1994;).
Although AHP finds an application area in many decision problems, it has been subjected to many criticisms. First of all, AHP; options do not take into account the current uncertainties about decision and evaluation criteria and significantly affect future decisions. (Zhu et al., 1999; 450). If worse options are added to the decision problem solved by the AHP method, there is a possibility that the options will change in order. Well; It shows that decision problems solved by AHP do not always guarantee reliable results. Özgörmüş et al., 2005;112).
The supplier selection process in food and beverage businesses can be expressed as a multi-criteria decision problem. Choosing the right inputs to be used in the process of raw materials and semi-finished products is an effective way to achieve success in the production process. Linguistic variants are more suitable for supplier selection. For this reason, the use of BAHP in supplier selection gives efficient results in terms of food and beverage businesses. AHP has a high honor rate in that it does not rule out uncertainties in the field of application; in any case, it is assumed that the efficiency of the execution area is low in terms of not predicting parametric variables (Sarıoğlan, 2011; Wang et al., 2007).
The advantages of BAHP and fuzzy logic to food and beverage businesses are listed below. (Organ and Kenger, 2012: 121; Sarıoğlan, 2011; Kıyak and Kahvecioğlu, 2003: 64):
• It is close to human thought system and style.
• A mathematical model is not always required in the implementation process.
• Since the software is quite simple, the system can be installed more economically.
• The concept of fuzzy logic is quite easy to understand.
• It is more convenient than other methods due to the use of membership value.
• Uncertain information is used
• Modeling of nonlinear functions is permissible
• However, a model or system based on fuzzy logic can be easily designed by making use of experts.
• Compatible with traditional control methods.
• The use of verbal expressions in fuzzy logic shows the result more positively.
In classical multi-criteria decision problems, it is assumed that the weights and evaluations are known exactly. But in real life it is impossible to use certain expressions in some situations. To solve this, Fayed (1965) developed a theory of fuzzy logic. Like this; indefinite variables can be expressed with verbal expression variables. Later, several MCDM (Multi-Criteria Decision Making) methods were developed. One of them is the VIKOR method. The VIKOR method has recently been used across different areas of life. Regarding some of these studies; personnel selection, supplier selection, water resources planning. 
Fuzzy VIKOR consists of an algorithm with 10 different stages using the values ​​of the fuzzy matrix. (Alguliyevat al., 2015; Yıldız, 2014; Shemshadia, et al., 2011). Fuzzy VIKOR has 10 different application stages. These are stated below; (Ahmad et al., 2015; Nisel, 2014; Afful-Dadzia et al., 2014; Chatterjee et al., 2013; Samantra et al., 2012);
Step 1: In order to solve the problem, first k decision makers, n alternatives and m criteria are determined.
Step 2: Equivalents of linguistic variables are defined as fuzzy numbers.
Step 3: Using the equalizations as a one-to-one evaluation, n decision makers are combined.
Step 4: After obtaining a single value for all criteria and alternatives, the i and j criteria fuzzy decision matrix and weight matrix are created.
Step 5: If we evaluate the j criterion in terms of utility, the best and worst values ​​of the criterion functions are determined by using the equivalent.
Step 6: Between the equations, the fuzzy values ​​are calculated with the help of the minimum and maximum alternative equations.
Step 7: Equation values ​​are calculated over the index equivalent.
Step 8: At this stage, the netted index values ​​are calculated by taking the average of the numbers. Then, the alternatives are ranked according to the index values ​​obtained. The lowest index value means the best alternative.
Step 9: At this stage, it should be determined whether the best alternative is a compromise solution. A conciliatory solution may be accepted to determine the best solution.
Step 10: The best alternative is selected and implemented
Research Method
In the study; A research method has been created regarding the applicability of the VIKOR method in choosing the right supplier in food and beverage businesses. As seen in Table 1, external (uncontrollable factors) which are the basic philosophy of fuzzy logic, general economic situation, security, disposable income criteria (cost, net price, sustainability, delivery time, etc.) are in contact and selected. for choosing the right supplier as the ultimate goal. Within the scope of choosing the right supplier, the values ​​of qualitative and quantitative external factors are determined.
Table 1. Supplier Selection Model of Fuzzy Vikor Method
What is the Fuzzy Vikor Method?
Source: Umamaheswari and Kumari, (2014).
Data Collection Method
Questionnaire method was used as data collection method in this study. In order to ensure the reliability and effectiveness of the survey, a pilot study was conducted with the food and beverage companies (usually first class restaurants and cafes) operating in Istanbul, Ankara and Bursa. After the findings obtained as a result of the pilot study, the basic questionnaire form was created. In food and beverage businesses, semi-structured interview method, which is a qualitative data collection method, was also applied together with the questionnaire. The research was carried out with senior managers of food and beverage businesses.
Analysis of Data
The data obtained as a result of the field research were analyzed by the SPSS 22.0 computer program. As an analysis method; Demographic frequency analysis of food and beverage businesses was used. Within the scope of the evaluation of the scale applied, the frequency and percentage distribution of the data was made to determine the characteristics of the scores or values ​​of one or more variables of the subjects. (Buyukozturk, 2016). Moreover; The data obtained in this study were calculated with the survey method and frequency analysis to test the applicability of the Fuzzy Vikor method in food and beverage businesses.
The opinions of senior executives regarding the determination of the obstacles in front of its applicability were analyzed and the data obtained through the semi-structured interview were put on paper by deciphering method. With this method, quantitative data is supported by qualitative data.
The data were analyzed within the scope of the study by analyzing the demographic profiles of the participants/businesses and the application tendency levels of the fuzzy vikor method in food and beverage businesses. The business capacity, number of employees, activity periods, location and activity areas of the food and beverage enterprises are shown in Table 2. First of all, the business capacities of the enterprises were analyzed. It is focused on a range of 51 and 250 guests that can be accommodated at the same time. The majority of enterprises employ less than 50 employees and between 51-100 employees.
Table 2. Analysis of Food and Beverage Demographic Profiles




Operating Capacity


50 and below













250 and above



22.91 4.96




Number of Employees in the Business














100 and above





one hundred

Operating Period of the Business


2 years and below



2-5 years



6-10 years



11-15 years



16-20 years



21-25 years



25 years and older





one hundred

Location of Business


In the city center



outside the city center





one hundred

Enterprise segment
















one hundred

Cities where businesses operate


























Cities where businesses operate
























































































one hundred

Although the operating periods of the enterprises differ from each other, most of them are concentrated in short-medium-term business enterprises. Most startups are established in city centres, but there are still traces of businesses established in countries. It has been determined that a significant part of the food and beverage businesses operate as restaurants. A survey was conducted in 36 provinces and the rates according to the population density and the potential of the enterprises were included in the research. 
In this context, field research was concentrated in food and beverage businesses and cities with high population potential such as Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Antalya, Aydın, Muğla. Bursa. In line with these data; It has been determined that the reason for the density in the provinces where tourism activities are intense and the food and beverage businesses share similarities.
In Table 3; The demographic profiles of the managers were examined and shown in Table 2 below. Majority of the participants (86.70%) are male. Inside
this context; It has been concluded that males dominate significantly in large-scale food and beverage businesses. The majority of managers are in the 26-50 age range (young and early middle age). It is assumed that this result stems from the fact that the food and beverage industry is a dynamic industry.
Table 3. Analysis of Demographic Profiles of Managers in Food and Beverage Businesses



Percent (%)
































50 and above





one hundred

Position of administrators





General manager



assistant director



Executive Chef Restaurant Chef



24.92 5.49




Received the latest diploma








High school



two-year degree



Graduated from a Universty












The majority (33.24%) consists of the general manager, assistant managers and operations managers. Although the majority of the managers are at the undergraduate level, the rational weight of the two-year and high school graduates is low. In order to apply the fuzzy vikor method in food and beverage businesses, 14 different prioritizations were made. 
In this context; The applicability of fuzzy vikor has high rates from the participants. 
These; forming a decision-making group for the right supplier selection, revealing the evaluation criteria for supplier selection in businesses, determining the options for supplier selection, evaluating the criteria for supplier selection, converting linguistic evaluations to fuzzy numbers, creating alternative decision matrices from the evaluated alternatives for supplier selection, for supplier selection determining the best and worst values, ranking from the net values ​​for supplier selection, and identifying the best solutions for supplier selection.
Table 4. Rational Weights for Supplier Selection Process Steps Fuzzy Vikor Method in Food and Beverage Businesses

A decision-making group can be formed for supplier selection in food and beverage businesses.


There may be evaluation criteria for supplier selection in food and beverage businesses.


Options can be determined for supplier selection in food and beverage businesses


The criteria determined for supplier selection in food and beverage businesses can be evaluated.


The options determined for supplier selection in food and beverage businesses can be evaluated.


Linguistic considerations for supplier selection in food and beverage businesses can be converted to fuzzy numbers


The fuzzy weights of the criteria evaluated for supplier selection in food and beverage businesses can be calculated.


Fuzzy decision matrices of the options evaluated for supplier selection in food and beverage businesses can be created.


The best and worst fuzzy values can be determined for supplier selection in food and beverage businesses.


For supplier selection in food and beverage businesses, the distance between the best and worst values of the options can be calculated.


Fuzzy set logic values of optional suppliers can be calculated for supplier selection in food and beverage businesses.


Fuzzy numbers can be clarified for supplier selection in food and beverage businesses


Optional rankings of net values can be made for supplier selection in food and beverage businesses.


Reasonable solutions can be found for supplier selection catering business.


The level of participation of the propositions is low in relation to the following; Calculating the fuzzy weights of supplier selection criteria in food and beverage businesses, calculating the values ​​of alternative suppliers with fuzzy logic, clarifying
fuzzy numbers for supplier selection in food and beverage businesses. The main reason for this low participation is assumed to have insufficient cognitive knowledge level of the employee.
Conclusion and Recommendations
As a result of the research, the findings that emerged after the literature review and the field research were mentioned in the study. The first chapter (literature) is about the analytical hierarchical process (AHP) used to increase the efficiency of supplier selection in food and beverage businesses and the fuzzy vicore about the concept and applicability of BAHP. In the second part, the findings obtained as a result of the field research on the applicability of the fuzzy vikor method in supplier selection and the analyzed data are included. It can be concluded that the fuzzy vikor method is largely applicable in food and beverage businesses.
Although a conclusion is reached about the applicability of the fuzzy vikor method in food and beverage businesses; In order to increase efficiency, it is necessary to create new strategies and overcome some obstacles in the process. After conducting the research with a semi-structured interview, it was concluded that there is a lack of knowledge and cognitive knowledge levels of senior managers and a lack of qualified employees. Some suggestions have been developed regarding these issues:
• In the purchasing department of food and beverage businesses, experts and qualified personnel must be employed in supplier selection.
• The company manager who will use the product should be included in the supplier selection process in food and beverage businesses.
• Purchasing department of enterprises should determine objective supplier selection criteria within the framework of purchasing policies.
In this study, some suggestions have been developed to increase the efficiency and applicability of the fuzzy vikor method in supplier selection in food and beverage businesses. Fuzzy TOPSIS, fuzzy axiomatic design etc. A number of suggestions should be developed for future studies on the applicability of these methods to supplier selection in food and beverage businesses.
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As the head chef Ahmet ÖZDEMİR, I see the source:
Mr. I sincerely thank Mehmet SARIOĞLAN for his academic studies titled "Supplier Selection with Fuzzy Vikor Method in Food and Beverage Businesses (The Case of Turkey)" and wish him success in his professional life . It will definitely be considered as an example by those who need it in professional kitchens, related research and in the world of gastronomy.