The Agreement and the Text of the Business Agreement are Different for Each Business. Terms and Conditions are Prepared Jointly by Mutually Agreed. For some businesses, the text of the agreement may not be prepared . The text of the business agreement is a control mechanism that determines whether the agreed and signed items are fulfilled in order to protect both parties. .
The official text of the agreement is not mandatory. But if one of the two parties needs it, it can be provided in a formal agreement. The Contract Clauses Below Are Examples Only. Other agreement texts prepared for foreign organizations and hotels will be submitted to the relevant person by e-mail when required.
"The Agreement and the Text of the Business Agreement are Different for Each Business. Terms and Conditions are Prepared Jointly by Mutually Agreed. For some businesses, the text of the agreement may not be prepared . The text of the business agreement is a control mechanism that determines whether the agreed and signed items are fulfilled in order to protect both parties. . "
In some cases, as a result of mutual negotiations, the relevant articles for individuals and institutions can be changed. Not every business is required to receive all the services specified . Businesses that want can receive service from me only in areas that they believe are deficient in line with their own needs . One of these services is the supervision of one's own business, known as operator blindness , by people who are knowledgeable on the subject.
The text of the Agreement -01 and the text of the Agreement -02, which I have presented below as an example, can be considered as examples. The figures given are " EXAMPLE " only.

From now on, Party -1: Coord. As Has Aşçıbaşı Ahmet Özdemir, PARTY -2: ……………………….. Business will be referred to as the board of directors.
01 - Coord. Has Aşçıbaşı Ahmet Özdemir and the owners of the business take the decisions together as the board of directors of the business. The main concept of the establishment to be put into service is “food, beverage and the main theme”, after being decided by the Board of Directors, to put it into practice on an operational basis. It belongs to Has Chef, Ahmet Özdemir.
02 - The members of the board of directors of the company who can take decisions about the company are as follows;
A - ……………………………….……………..………………….
B - …………………………..………………………….…
03 - Coord. No one or a relative can give instructions to Has Chef Ahmet Özdemir, even from within the family, and cannot ask him to give up or make changes in the decisions taken by the business management.
04 - Coord. Has Aşçıbaşı Ahmet Özdemir reports directly to the Board of Directors. Its powers are also on an operational basis to a significant extent. In no way is it responsible for bargaining, purchasing, personnel salaries, accounts, accounting, payments, and cannot be held responsible.
05 - Coord. Has Chef Ahmet Özdemir is in charge of training the candidate personnel nominated by the Board of Directors in the relevant departments of the establishment to be put into service, within 6 months, with sufficient experience within the menu and concept drawn. “If the items in 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 - 11-12 are provided by the board of directors of the enterprise”
06 - Coord. Has Chef Ahmet Özdemir chooses himself as a result of the interview he will make.
07 - The specified personnel and all service staff must be recruited 1 month before the construction phase of the enterprise. The service staff in question must attend staff training sessions for at least 8 hours a day.
08 - Each staff member has a trial period of 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, Coord. If it is determined by Has Aşçıbaşı Ahmet Özdemir that it is inadequate, new personnel may be requested from the Board of Directors of the Company.
09 - All personnel in the service staff Coord. Has Chef's Head must comply with Ahmet Özdemir as a title and authority.
10 - Coord. Due to the instructions given by Has Aşçıbaşı Ahmet Özdemir for the operation of the business within the enterprise and the opening of the enterprise for complete service, the members of the Board of Directors of the enterprise, whose names are written, are responsible for the security of the said personnel and their relatives against any attack.
11 - The salary payment policy of the enterprise ……. and …….. i. Responsibility for salary payment rests with the management of the enterprise. Coord. Has Chef Ahmet Özdemir is not responsible.
Those Who Will Open New Restaurants, System and Operation of the Whole Restaurant (Small Opening and Grand Opening Min. 6-7 Months)
12 - Coord. If the personnel trained by Has Aşçıbaşı Ahmet Özdemir have completed the necessary training and have the desired experience, they will resign from the business or leave the company in any way. Has Chef Ahmet Özdemir is not responsible.
13 - Coord in the main staff of the enterprise. The service staff to be trained by Has Asçıbaşı Ahmet Özdemir is as follows;
A - Business manager (I do not provide this service in businesses with more than 50 staff, because it requires more professionalism, experience and experience)
B - Public relations and promotion manager (I do not provide this service in businesses with more than 50 staff, because it requires more professionalism, experience and experience)
C - Accountant (I do not provide this service in businesses with more than 50 staff, because it requires more professionalism, experience and experience)
D - Restaurant chef
E - kitchen chef
F - Reservation and welcome hostess
G - Captains
I - Heads of kitchen section
14 - Coord. The menus to be made within the concept drawn by the joint decision of Has Aşçıbaşı Ahmet Özdemir and the Board of Directors are as follows;
A - Food menu
B - Beverage menu
C - Organization menus
D - Special day menus
E - Vegetarian menu
F - children's menu
G - Buffet and breakfast menus
15 - To make all the menus before the business is opened and to deliver them to the pre-accountancy together with the cost controller "cost" accounts within a maximum of 2 weeks after the business is opened. It is the duty of Chief Chef Ahmet Özdemir.

16 - Coord. All expenses of the flat where Has Aşçıbaşı Ahmet Özdemir will stay during the entire training period, food and beverage expenses, transportation expenses related to the business, communication expenses are under the responsibility of the Board of Directors.
17 - Coord. Has Aşçıbaşı Ahmet Özdemir submits an “activity report” to the Board of Directors every week. The related report covers the following topics in the main theme;
A - Works done
B - Things to do
C - Starting but waiting
D - problematic affairs
E - personal opinions and suggestions
18 - Coord. Koord. Has Chef Ahmet Özdemir still applies it. However, it has the right to prepare a report regarding the material and moral damages that may occur to the enterprise regarding this negative decision taken in the future, and to submit it to the management in writing in return for signature, and it is not responsible for these damages. The board of directors of the enterprise must also receive this report in return for signature, which will be prepared in two copies. Coord. Has Aşçıbaşı Ahmet Özdemir has the right to terminate the agreement unilaterally.
19 - Coord in Agreement. Due to the issues that have not been realized as of the moment and time in the articles committed by Has Aşçıbaşı Ahmet Özdemir to the enterprise of …………………………. has the right to prepare a report and terminate the agreement unilaterally.
20 - Coord. Has Chef Ahmet Özdemir ………| ……….|……….. with ………| Between the dates of ……….|……….. TC. has all the material and moral rights granted by the laws of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. It is also obliged to fulfill the commitments given to the above-mentioned enterprise by the same laws.
A - Coord. As of the day, a cash payment of 15,000 TL in the country and 10,000 euros abroad is made to Has Chef Ahmet Özdemir in return for the receipt. (THIS PAYMENT WILL BE RETURNED IN TWO PARTS AT THE MIDDLE AND END OF THE AGREEMENT PERIOD)
B - Coord. Has Chef Ahmet Özdemir between 01 and 05 of every month ………………… Cash payment is made against receipt.
C - Coord. Has Ascibasi & Exc. To Chef Ahmet Özdemir, when he started to serve the public with the first opening of the business, the receipt was ……………………… TL. cash payment is made.
D - Small opening program is made or not done in the 3rd month as of the date of operation of the enterprise, but as of the day, Coord. Cash payment is made to Has Chef Ahmet Özdemir against a receipt of ………………………….tl.
As of the date the e-enterprise is put into service, the grand opening program is made or not in the 6th month, but as of the day, Koord. Cash payment is made to Has Chef Ahmet Özdemir against a receipt of ………………………….tl. At the same time, with this last payment, this agreement between both parties ends.
22 - This agreement consists of 22 articles and 5 pages. It was mutually signed on …….|……..|…………. In the disputes in question, Antlaya and …………………. courts are competent.

Important Note and Reminder;
***** You can examine in detail the My Service Areas page where you can get support from me *****
gastronomy consultancy
Sample Agreement Text-2. Option (Based on mutual win-win basis)
(This is the text of an agreement with a plan to mobilize a non-business restaurant)
“Formerly ....................., with the new The official official of the restaurant named “…………………” with the name “…………………” and the head chef living at the address ……………… The articles of the special agreement made between Ahmet Özdemir are as follows.
Article 01- Ahmet Özdemir is the person in the position of "manager" in the restaurant management, authorized by the boss as the person who will establish the new system in every department of the restaurant as of 15 August 2016. (Kitchen, service and complete restaurant management)
Article 01-1- The agreement can be extended for +2 more months at the end of mutual agreement on 15 February 2016, depending on the request of ............. Afterwards, it can continue with a new agreement as a result of mutual agreement.
Article 01-2- The opening budget of the restaurant is 34,000 euros per month for official expenses. In addition to this, the main expenses are; arranging the restaurant entrance, making new totem signboards, renewing old signboard pictures, promotional brochures, production of food menus, personnel clothes, purchasing new plates, covering old logos on chairs with new logos, etc. expenses.
Article 01-3- Ahmet Özdemir cannot be held responsible for the items that cannot be fulfilled on time due to the delays arising from the payments of all personnel and tradesmen.
Article 02- New management decisions are taken together with “Ahmet Özdemir” “.............” and “.............” ............. and ............. are responsible for fulfilling the duties in the restaurant management organization to be established by Ahmet Özdemir.
Article 03- Ahmet Özdemir is responsible for making the restaurant menu of the new restaurant business, giving the cost calculations to the accounting and teaching vocational training to the new personnel to be recruited.
Article 04- All kinds of vocational training of the personnel candidates to be put into operation will be given by Ahmet Özdemir.
Article 04-1- Ahmet Özdemir is not responsible in cases arising from the reliability of the personnel or their quitting the job at the end of the training or other problems that may be experienced in the enterprise.
Article 04-2- The decision of all changes to be made in the restaurant, the new fixtures to be taken, the titles and powers of the personnel, the opening and closing hours of the restaurant, the guest principles, the duties that the personnel are responsible for will be determined by Ahmet Özdemir.
Article 04-3- There is no concept of time and limit regarding the working hours of Ahmet Özdemir.
Kitchen and Service Vocational Trainings
Article 04-4- Ahmet Özdemir will make a special presentation to the press groups brought to the restaurant 2 days before and one day before the opening by the employer, and it will be ensured that the relevant news channels, newspaper and magazine interviews about the restaurant business will be given along with the presentation of the relevant images.
Article 04-5- All personnel list to be recruited to the restaurant is recruited 10 days before the opening date and service trainings, kitchen trainings and menu sales trainings are given by Ahmet Özdemir.
Article 04-6- A fixture inventory of the entire restaurant is made and the materials received are embezzled by ............. and .............. Ahmet Özdemir cannot be held responsible for the protection or safety of the received materials.
Article 05- The new restaurant will be opened to guest service with its renewed staff and menu within a maximum of 40 days as of the closing date.
Article 05-1- The presence of all personnel belongs to ............. and .............. The interview and hiring decision belongs to Ahmet Özdemir.
Article 05-2- It is .............'s responsibility to find the tradesmen (dry food, vegetables, meat) in the entire supply chain, to make price researches and to discuss their payments. It is also in charge of purchasing.
Article 05-3- ............. is responsible for company agreements, meal agreements, public relations, all kinds of official affairs and transactions, payments and receivables, in dialogue with Ahmet Özdemir and in the position of the owner of the business.
Article 05-4- Salary payments are made between the 1st and 3rd of each month. If the payments of the tradesmen are divided into 2 parts, the 1st part is made every 15 days, and the 2nd part is monthly, the total invoice payments are made.
Article 05-5- Working hours, official and social rights of all personnel working in the enterprise are given by the enterprise management. Working schedules are arranged by Ahmet Özdemir.
Article 05-6- A website will be built before the restaurant is opened.
Article 05-7- The restaurant management can start the takeaway service if needed.
Article 06- A management meeting is held by ............., Ahmet Özdemir and ............. every day. At the meeting, all the details about the business are discussed and all the details of the restaurant are shared with Ahmet Özdemir, including the official safe data, debts and receivables, without leaving any place for confidentiality.
Article 06-1- Together with ............., Ahmet Özdemir and ............., the head chef, restaurant chef and all department chiefs that may be hired in the future operate every day. gives the report. These reports prepared by the named persons are given to Ahmet Özdemir and sent by Ahmet Özdemir to .............
Article 06-2- This agreement is valid for 6+2 months. The right to decide depends on .............
Article 06-3 - .............'s salary is 2.500 Euro and he gets a share of 1% from the turnover made in the official cash register 3 times in two-month periods from the beginning.
Article 06-4- The salary of ............. is 2.750 euros and she gets a share of 0,30% from the turnover made in the official cash register 3 times in two-month periods from the beginning.
Article 06-5- If an agreement is reached, a prepayment of 8,000 euros is made for the agreement price. Ahmet Özdemir's monthly standard salary is …………………“Euros and he gets a share of 3.5% from the turnover made in the official cash register 3 times (1st, 2nd and 3rd payment) in two-month periods from the beginning. . 3. After the payment, if the targets are met whether the agreement is extended or not, he/she will receive an additional payment (bonus) as the 4th and final payment, that is, at the end of the agreement.
Article 07- Ahmet Özdemir's turnover target for the first month after the opening of the new restaurant (taking into account some negative cases in the previous service period); 3-5 thousand, turnover target in the second month; 5-7 thousand third month turnover target; 7-8 thousand, the target in the fourth month; 8-10 thousand, turnover target in the fifth month; 10-12 thousand 6th month turnover target; It is 12-13 thousand euros.
Article 07- 1- The specified targets have a 20% minus-plus+ margin of error. If the specified targets are not achieved, Ahmet Özdemir will not be paid the last 4th payment on turnover. 1st, 2nd and 3rd payments are made on the turnover realized.
Article 07- 2- Ahmet Özdemir's payments are made in cash against receipt.
Article 08- Accommodation and transportation expenses of Ahmet Özdemir (private vehicle or taxi) belong to the restaurant business. Ahmet Özdemir will be rented a 1+1 flat in Brussels where he will stay during his working period. All expenses of the flat (electricity, water, gas, dues, etc.) will be covered from the operating account.
Important Note:
The relevant figures and salary amounts are just examples and cannot be taken into account for new deals.