• Characteristics of Kitchen Staff
  • Characteristics of Kitchen Staff
  • Characteristics of Kitchen Staff

In addition to this, the kitchen worker should constantly improve himself day by day. To ensure this; They can attend private vocational courses, attend vocational seminars, periodically purchase services from food and beverage businesses in their location, establish professional friendships...

Characteristics of Kitchen Staff
It is a research that I have done among academic studies on the Characteristics of Kitchen Workers, which has approached the subject in detail and is worth examining. My hope is that this type of work will become more common in the culinary arts. For the related work, Mr. I would like to thank "Murat Çakır" and wish him success in his work. 
In the food and beverage industry, the ability of their businesses to keep their profits at the highest level depends on the profits of the kitchens of those businesses. In this context, kitchen workers must first create a good cost-profit structure of the kitchen. A successful kitchen worker is not only able to create a good menu, but also to realize the profit margin to the business owner from the meals he offers, in a way that ensures the continuation and growth of the business. 
In addition to this, the kitchen worker should constantly improve himself day by day. To ensure this; They can attend private vocational courses, attend vocational seminars, periodically purchase services from food and beverage businesses in their location, establish professional friendships, share information with their colleagues, and follow information sources such as magazines, newspapers, books, and the Internet. (You  can contact us to get  gastronomy consultancy  on this subject )
The success of the kitchen worker is due to the innate talent as well as the experiences he has gained throughout his career. These.19
• Commitment to Do Your Duty in the Best Way, to use the best quality and fresh product in the best way in line with customer satisfaction.
is a commitment to service.
• Sense of Responsibility
He is not only responsible to the customer, but also to the customers' needs, his employees, the food and equipment he uses in food production, and his employer.
• To be fair
It is the ability to make the right and fair decision in the light of the experiences he has gained throughout his career at every stage of the work that takes place in the kitchen.
The kitchen worker develops his skills while climbing the hierarchical steps of the kitchen throughout his career. These abilities aren't just about grilling, sautéing, or roasting meats at the right cooking temperatures. It is also the development of managerial skills. During the kitchen staff career, management and administration aspects also develop. The concept of management means the person who makes forward-looking plans for the business in the organization where he works.
The kitchen worker who has improved himself throughout his career takes the title of chief chef as the last position. The head chef should have a good knowledge of budgeting, accounting and stock control system.
The Chef must be trained in four areas in order to be able to perform kitchen management well. A chef trained in terms of physical assets management, information management, human resources management and time management is an important element for the enterprise.
Management of Physical Assets
The concept of physical presence refers to the tools and equipment that must be used for production in the kitchen. In the restaurant business, physical assets include catering, tables and chairs, table linen, crockery and glasses, cutlery, computers and cleaning equipment, apart from kitchen utensils.20
A good manager should use his physical assets sustainably. At the same time, the biggest cost in the restaurant business is the cost of food and beverage. For this reason, the head chef should keep the cost of food and beverage under control.
Information Management
Knowledge management is the ability of the cook to obtain the information they need from the environment by using media and technology.21
A good kitchen worker should provide information management by using the necessary information both by using the media organs and by showing the difference in order to increase the availability and market in the physical environment.
Human Resources Management
The food and beverage business is a manpower-based industry. A good kitchen worker should know how to use the team members in the most efficient way with the right configuration, regardless of the size of the team he/she creates. Job descriptions to be created for team members should be performed correctly. In addition, it is necessary to work in coordination with the human resources department for a new employment to be provided.
Time management
Time management is a very important issue in food and beverage businesses. In this context, efficient work scheduling is based on the following considerations.22
• Kitchen staff training
• Clear distribution of tasks
• Communication
• Organization
• Equipment adequacy
A good kitchen worker is the person who provides the best time management by fulfilling the above-mentioned issues.
Menu and Standard Recipes
The menu can also be expressed as the mirror of the kitchen in the living room in restaurants. Together with the service personnel, they undertake the promotion of the food produced in the kitchen to the guests. Standard recipes, on the other hand, play a guiding role for kitchen workers during production in the kitchen. In addition to all these, menus and standard recipes play an important role in both operational and cost control for the head chef.23
(You  can contact us to get  Menu consultancy  on this subject )
The primary purpose of food and beverage businesses is to sell the products they prepare to a wide audience. The most important helper in achieving this is the menus. The menus show the food and drinks offered in the establishment with their prices. Moreover; It is also the determinant and complement of marketing, financing and business policies.24
The main goal on the menu is to reduce the amount of food left unsold as much as possible. 
Because no business can predict exactly what their guests will want. The menu is also both a powerful marketing tool and the most basic and important control tool for the business. Menu development encompasses two aspects of review and formatting efforts. The first of these covers the aesthetic appearance, name, taste, color, shape, storability, seasonality and development of food and beverages. The other is about the design of the menu.
The menu is an indispensable element for the kitchen worker. The menu provides communication between the kitchen and the guests. In addition, thanks to the menu, the head chef performs his daily work, food orders and prevents food consumption. The menu plays an important role in increasing the income of the business.
Standard Prescriptions
Standard recipes are the recipes in which the materials and preparation methods used in the preparation of the dishes are determined in detail. With standard recipes, the list of ingredients to be used in the production of each dish in the menu, their quantities and the steps to be followed during the preparation, cooking and serving of the food are standardized, and thus a standard product is tried to be obtained in the kitchen. 
This standard product, on the other hand, serves the purposes of realizing the quality, cost and hygiene standards of the hotel business, as well as ensuring customer satisfaction. For this reason, standard recipes are forms that require meticulousness and need to be put forward as a result of long research and development efforts. Quality production of food and beverages depends on standard recipes.25
The standard recipe not only ensures the production of food of a certain quality, but also saves labor in the kitchen. Because with the standard recipe application, it becomes possible to produce food with less qualified workforce. Standard recipes also provide great benefits in deciding the amount and type of food materials to be purchased and in calculating the costs of the meals produced in the kitchen. 
Against these positive aspects, it takes time to prepare standard recipes, the necessity of convincing the Characteristics of Kitchen Staff to apply standard recipes,
18 Hilal Usta, Industrial Kitchen Sector Research, Istanbul, ITO Publications, 2001, p. 11th.
19 Tim Ryan, The Professional Chef, New Jersey, The Culinary Institute of America, 8th ed., 2006, p.
20 Ryan, supra, p. 5 21 Ryan, ae, p. 5
22 Ryan, ae, p. 7
23 Ryan, ae, p. 12
24 Alptekin Sökmen, Food and Beverage Services Management and Management, Ankara, Detay Publishing, 2006, p. 97.
25 Aktaş, Özdemir, supra, p. 168.
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Turkish Cuisine Chefs, Turkish Chef, Restaurant Consultancy, Kitchen Consultancy.