• Edible Flowers and Microsprouts in Kitchens
  • Edible Flowers and Microsprouts in Kitchens
  • Edible Flowers and Microsprouts in Kitchens
  • Edible Flowers and Microsprouts in Kitchens
  • Edible Flowers and Microsprouts in Kitchens
  • Edible Flowers and Microsprouts in Kitchens
  • Edible Flowers and Microsprouts in Kitchens

Many plant-derived foods with different characteristics are used in kitchens in order to increase the taste, enrich the visuality and add pleasant smells to the food. Edible flowers and micro-sprouts are the most prominent product groups when we look at the cooking techniques..

Edible Flowers and Microsprouts in the Food and Beverage Industry
In the hierarchy of needs published by Abraham Harold Maslow, an American scientist, in 1943; It has been stated that needs such as rest, shelter and sleep come first. In order to meet this vital need for human beings, human beings have searched in various ways and managed to reach food with the hunter-gatherer lifestyle and consumed the animals they hunted and the plants they collected. With the transition of humanity to settled life, lifestyles have changed, so the culture of nutrition has also changed and gained different dimensions. 
In recent years, the concept of nutrition has been evaluated in terms of sociological and psychological as well as physiological necessity, and has become a bridge in many social relations. When we consider the concept of nutrition with its social aspect and examine today's nutrition models, we can see that people meet their nutritional needs outside their homes. People may prefer World Food Trends and beverage businesses by coming together for reasons such as their desire to fill their stomach, their curiosity for a product they have not tasted before, their desire to consume healthy food, business meetings, friend meetings and invitations. 
In today's world, the needs and demands of people are the main factors that shape the diversity of food and beverage businesses (Uslu and Eren, 2020). In this very large sector where competition is intense, achieving success can be achieved thanks to intensive labor and sectoral knowledge. As the demand for food and beverage businesses increases, the dose of competition increases, and businesses that make a difference, keep up with current developments and remain innovative can provide superiority in this competitive environment. Along with innovative approaches, kitchens are also developing. In order to increase the attractiveness of businesses, attractive presentations, intriguing plate designs and dishes processed with the glow of nature's colors take their place in the menus.
Many plant-derived foods with different characteristics are used in kitchens in order to increase the taste, enrich the visuality and add pleasant smells to the food. Edible flowers and micro-sprouts are the most prominent product groups when we look at the cooking techniques and presentation styles that have changed from past to present. These products, which have attracted a lot of attention recently, come in many different types and features. 
Flowers are one of the natural riches that have existed in nature for many years and that humanity has benefited in various ways for centuries. With its attractive colors, pleasant smells, refreshing aromas, aesthetic appearance and characteristic features, it has been used for different purposes and continues to be used until today. With these features, flowers come to the fore with their widespread use in the fields of beauty and health. 
When the sources written on this subject are examined, it can be said that there are many types of flowers in the world according to different climatic conditions and soil structure. It is known that different types of flowers have been used for various purposes with the existence of human beings. It took a long time for this versatile use of different flower species to enter people's nutritional life. The introduction of flowers and other edible aromatic herbs into kitchens dates back to recent history and has been carried to the present day with the beginning of their use in various foods and beverages.
Edible Flowers
Flowers and aromatic plants have been used for thousands of years to serve various purposes. In particular, the use of these plant-based products for food is expanding and increasing (Guine et al., 2019). Edible flowers are not only used as a visual enhancer in meals. It can be used as a side dish to complement the flavor of a meal or as a colorant in making a sauce. 
Some flowers have a refreshing, pleasant and attractive scent by nature. For this reason, it is widely used in the production of some liqueurs and flavored fruit and herbal teas (Mlcek and Rop, 2011). Edible flowers are used in cold buffet meals, salads, desserts and cakes, fruit and ice cream presentations. It can also be preferred for flavoring and coloring beverages (Mlcek and Rop, 2011).
In many countries of the world, people continue to be fed by keeping their old culinary cultures alive and adapting this culture to the requirements of the age. The role of edible flowers in the processing and presentation of foodstuffs with different methods is becoming more evident day by day. In this way, the appearance, taste and aesthetic value of food increases (Tanji and Nassif, 1995). Edible flowers, which have been used in kitchens for centuries in Chinese food culture , have started to attract attention in other countries. 
Flowers can be used as a basic ingredient in a recipe, to season a dish, or simply used as a garnish. (Xiong et al., 2014).
Edible flowers are very delicate and delicate products. These perishable and perishable products should be stored in appropriate packages immediately after harvest so that they are not contaminated and damaged. The packaging to be used must have ducts that can take air. The reason for this is to prevent the condensation of evaporation that will occur on the inner surface of the flowers (Kelley et al., 2003). 
Flowers contain three main components that can play an important role in nutrition. These; pollen, trace amounts of protein and carbohydrate contents. Edible flowers, which are a very rich source of nutrition, take place in the nutrition models of individuals and provide positive contributions to the body (Parkinson and Pacini, 1995).
Although edible flowers have been used in some cultures, they are becoming a new food trend today. With the promotion of perceptions that edible flowers are safe, can improve flavor, add color, and improve the visual appearance of dishes, edible flowers have become the focus of attention of chefs and consumers. 
Although there are many edible flower producers around the world, time and knowledge are needed in terms of both producer and consumer awareness (Fernandes et al., 2019). In Table 1, edible flowers, which are frequently preferred and widely used in businesses, and their distinctive features and areas of use are given.
Table 1. Edible Flowers Widely Used in the Food and Beverage Industry

Sequence No.

Edible Flower

Usage Areas and Explanations



It is widely used as a garnish in cakes and desserts, salads and beverage presentations. It should be stored in a cool environment.



In addition to its eye-catching color and flavor, it is an edible flower with antioxidant properties. It is widely used in cake decoration art, salads and cheese plates.



This flower, which attracts attention with its pink color, usually grows naturally in summer. It is often used in decorating desserts and in boutique pastry. If stored in a cool environment, it can maintain its vitality for up to a week.


Crispy Alisium

Allisium flower, which is a cabbage family, is similar to broccoli in taste. In addition, allisium, which is a very strong source of vitamin C, can be used in the presentation of hot, cold and many kinds of dishes.


Evening Primrose

It can be used as a whole, or the leaves can be used separately. Since its leaves are heart-shaped, it is more preferred in meals served on special occasions. It is widely used in meals and presentations of some beverage groups.



When viewed as a whole, it is an edible flower with a symmetrical arrangement, eye-catching and brightly colored. With this symmetrical structure, it adds a symmetrical reflection to the plates on which it is used. It can be stored and used in a cool environment for up to 15 days without losing its form.


Sailor Violet

It is used in food presentations, decoration of cakes and drinks with its pleasant smell and refreshing aroma. It can be consumed raw as well as cooked. It is an edible flower preferred as a flavoring in fish dishes.


Plum blossom

It has red and heart-shaped leaves. It is generally used in the presentation of starters and salads, as it reflects the sour taste of green plums when eaten.



It is an elegant flower in the form of a star. Borage flower, which has a refreshing taste reminiscent of cucumber, is used in cheese plates, drinks and products such as canapes.



It is a durable, edible flower formed by the combination of quite a lot of leaves. It has a longer storage period than other edible flowers and can be stored in a cool environment for up to 1 month without deteriorating its form. It is used in the preparation of hot and cold drinks and herbal teas.



It is an edible flower known for its pungent taste and antioxidant properties. Although it is generally known for its purple color, the yellow type is also used in kitchens. It is widely used in rice and salads.



It is an interesting flower with pink tones, which is often used in desserts and fruit salads. It stands out with its unripe strawberry flavor. Its homeland is the tropical regions of Africa.


Fresh Lavender

It is especially common in milk desserts and ice creams. It is known that lavender, which is used in the production of hot and cold drinks with its pleasant smell and color, also has an important place in the art of plate decoration.


Solitaire Flower

It is used in seafood, olive oil dishes and appetizers. This flower, which looks bright under the light, has a slightly salty taste.


Orange Marigold

It is a flower that contains citrus aromas with its eye-catching color. The leaves can be consumed as well as the flowers. It can be used in the presentations of all food and beverage groups.



It is a flower with large petals and its use in red, orange and yellow colors is common. With a tangy flavor similar to cress or arugula, Latin Flowers are used in sandwiches, canapés, and salads.


Cucumber Flower

With its intense cucumber flavor and floral taste, it is widely used to decorate cold starters, canapes and sandwiches.


Onion Flower

Although the onion flower, which is widely used in salads, sandwiches and main dishes, is known as a flower, its taste resembles a slightly bitter onion. The flowers of chives are collected and used to give flavor and increase the visuality in kitchens. It can maintain its freshness for up to 1 month when stored in a cold environment.



With its pastel colored and elegant leaves, it is generally used in cake, dessert and beverage presentations. It has a sweet-bitter aroma. It is used in the presentation of dessert, cake, main course and beverages.

Source: Gourmet Sweet Botanicals, 2021; Erustus, 2021; Greenada, 2021; Mimi Farm, 2021; Quantum Microgreens, 2021; Johnny's Selected Seeds, 2021; Created by the author using Eden Greens, 2021 web pages.
Micro Sprouts
Microsprouts first appeared on the menus of chefs in San Francisco and California in the early 1980s. Microsprout cultivation has continued in Southern California since the second half of the twentieth century. Today, the use of micro-sprouts still continues in luxury restaurants. The contribution of micro-sprouts to the creative designs and concentrated flavors of the dishes served in these restaurants is quite high (Renna et al., 2016). 
Microsprouts or microgreens can be defined as young and tender seedlings of different types of vegetables, herbaceous plants, aromatic plants and edible wild plants produced using seeds. Depending on the species used, it can be harvested 7 to 21 days after germination, when the leaves from the seed are fully developed and the first true leaves appear. 
Unlike sprouts obtained from fully or partially germinated seeds, which usually grow in the dark and consist of shoots and roots in dense water, micro-sprouts are grown in greenhouse or open field production (Di Gioai, Mininni and Santamaria, 2015).
Microsprouts represent a new category of vegetables that have different properties from the already known sprouts and the small-sized fresh-cut leafy vegetables that are so common today, also known as baby leaves. It should also not be confused with miniature vegetables that can be obtained with special cultivation techniques (Di Gioai, Mininni, & Santamaria, 2015). 
Micro-sprouts are considered a "functional food" or "superfood" because they contain high concentrations of health-promoting compounds such as antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. (Mir, Shah and Mir, 2016). The most basic condition that makes microsprouts interesting and attractive from a gastronomic point of view is that the first leaves from the seed come in a wide variety of colors (green, yellow, red, purple), texture (soft, crunchy, juicy) and flavors (sweet, neutral, slightly sour, spicy) (Xiao et al., 2012; Pinto et al., 2015). 
Bazı araştırmalara göre; mikrofilizler standart büyüme aşamasında hasat edilen sebzelere kıyasla, bünyelerinde daha yüksek besin konsantrasyonu barındırmaktadır. Mikro filizler ve yetişmiş haldeki sebzeler karşılaştırıldığında, mikro filizlerin 10 kat daha fazla antioksidan bileşik içerdiğini, tat ve koku olarak da oldukça baskın ve konsantre halde olduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Bu nedenle mikro filizler, vejetaryen ve vegan gibi özel beslenme tercihi olan tüketici kategorileri için zengin bir besin kaynağı olabilmektedir (Ebert, Wu ve Yung, 2015).
Micro sprouts can be used as garnish as well as decoratively in new recipes and current plate presentations. All products to be used in the art of plate decoration must be of food quality, that is, suitable for human consumption. According to the sources examined; It is possible to say that micro-sprouts are not only used in the art of decoration. 
In addition to enriching the visuality, it is also used in kitchens as a supporting element of taste and fragrance. Businesses can buy and use microsprouts from suppliers or grow them in-house. The use of micro-sprouts by growing them in enterprises is an application that can be among the new kitchen trends. 
The best example of this is; Chef George Fistrovich grows micro-sprouts and uses them in his dishes in an air-conditioned salon called The Grow House in a resort. When George Fistrovich needed micro-sprouts for his recipes, he harvested his own products instead of using them from outside. Thus, it enriched its plates both fresher and less costly (Renna et al., 2016). 
With the widespread use of this practice in kitchens, it can be said that micro-sprout cultivation will take its place in the list of preliminary preparations in the routine of chefs. In Table 2, micro-sprouts, which are frequently preferred and widely used in enterprises, and their distinctive features and areas of use are given.
Table 2. Micro-Sprouts Widely Used in the Food and Beverage Industry



Micro Sprout

Usage Areas and Explanations


Amaranth Sprouts

It is a red micro-sprout. It is rich in protein and has a light boiled red beet flavor. It is used in all cold and hot dishes with its attractive color and pleasant aroma.


Pea Sprouts

One of the important parts of the vegetarian and vegan nutrition model, Pea Sprouts are frequently used in presentations as well as fresh pea flavor and strong nutritive aspect. It is preferred in salads and sandwiches with its high protein content and elegant appearance.


Broccoli Sprouts

It is rich in vitamin C and has a stronger aroma than broccoli. It is recommended to be consumed raw. It can be used as a flavoring in salads and main dishes, as well as adding value to the plates visually.


Civan Forelock

Civan Perçemi, which is generally consumed as a tea, is used in plate decoration and garnishing when it is still fresh. With its refreshing aroma reminiscent of lemon peel, it is compatible with many sweet and salty product groups.


Radish Sprouts

The concentrated form of the flavor you will get from the radish is in the Radish Sprouts. It is frequently used in salads and sandwiches with its intense aroma. It is also a rich source of vitamins A, B1, B2, B7 and C.


Basil Sprouts

Basil sprouts, which intensely experience the taste and smell of basil when consumed, are frequently used in the preparation of starters, cheese plates and some intensely flavored sauces. It is an indispensable part of products such as pizza, salad and canapé.


Celery Sprouts

With its young celery stalks and parsley-like leaves, where the celery taste is most intensely felt, it is used both as a decoration and as a flavoring in the production of some vegetable juices. Raw consumption of celery sprouts is also common. It is very important for the digestive system with its fibrous structure. It can maintain its vitality for up to 1 week in cool and sunlight-free environments.


Red Mustard Sprouts

It is used to enrich many dishes visually with its soft aroma similar to cauliflower and its dark red appealing color.


Coriander Sprouts

It has an aroma that combines the taste of fresh citrus and parsley with the same kind of coriander. It is used in cold and hot soups, in the preparation of cold-pressed vegetable juices and in the production of beverages such as smoothies.


Mini Clover

It is obtained by sprouting alfalfa seeds. It has a nut-like taste with its crispy texture. It is used for decorative purposes, especially in salads, sandwiches and cold starters.


Purple Radish Sprouts

It reflects the highly concentrated form of the flavor taken from the radish. With its characteristic structure and dominant aroma, it is used in the presentation of salads, sandwiches and starters containing seafood served cold.


Reyhan Sprout

Basil, which is from the same family as basil, has a more aromatic and spicy aroma than basil. It is used to give color, flavor and flavor in dry stuffed vegetables, salads and beverages. Reyhan, which is not recognized in the culinary culture of many countries , is frequently used in Turkish culinary culture and is cultivated in our country.


Arugula Sprouts

Arugula sprouts, which contain the sharp aroma of arugula in a concentrated form, are used in the production of sandwiches, salads and canapes to enhance the flavor as well as various decorations.


Yellow Mustard Sprouts

Although known as yellow mustard sprouts, it is a green micro sprout. It is obtained from the seeds used in the production of Dijon mustard, which we often use in daily life. Since it contains the dominant and sharp aroma of mustard, it is compatible with meat dishes and hot and cold sandwiches.


Garlic Sprouts

It is used raw to increase the flavor of dishes with its intense garlic flavor. It can also be preferred in the art of plate decoration, as it visually elevates the plates with its seeds resembling a black bead. Although the sprouts of garlic germinate and rise, the black seeds remain on it and preserve its aesthetic appearance.



It is a micro sprout that grows fast and can grow in areas with abundant water. Known for its peppery, sharp and sour taste, watercress is an indispensable side dish for starters. In addition, when using it in plate decoration, it should be considered that it has a taste that is compatible with the food served. Otherwise, it will come to the forefront by suppressing the main product with its dominant taste.


Shiso Leaves

Shiso leaves, known as the lettuce of Asian cuisines, are also known as steak grass. It contains citrus flavors with its spicy taste reminiscent of cumin. Shiso leaves, which are on the list of must-haves in making sushi, are frequently used in salads and in the making of some sauces specific to Asian cuisine culture .


Cress Sprouts

Its use is one of the most common microsprouts. With the dominant taste of cress, it can be used as a garnish in food presentations. It is also preferred as a flavoring in dishes prepared with seafood, in making bruschetta, in risottos and soups . It is one of the main elements that increase the taste and visuality of cold starters.


Radish Sprouts

With its sharp radish flavor, it is used in the presentation and garnishing of dishes prepared with seafood such as salmon, mackerel and herring, which can be served uncooked. Radish sprouts, which are also preferred in the art of plate decoration, are not an ideal choice for pastry products due to their dominant taste and smell.

Flowers consumed as food must not be grown with harmful chemical pesticides, which are sold in gardens or for ornamental purposes. Edible flowers, if grown completely organically, can be considered in the food product category. In recent years, the interest in edible flowers and micro-sprouts and the importance given to the use of these flowers in the field of gastronomy has been increasing day by day. 
For some businesses operating in the food and beverage industry, we can say that edible flowers and micro-sprouts are an attraction. For example, it can be used in many product groups such as offered drinks, open buffet decorations, and boutique pastry (Şahin and Kılıç, 2009). Edible flowers and micro-sprouts are the indispensable elements of new generation presentations, which are guided by the blending of the dynamic structure of the food and beverage industry and human desires and needs. However, the limited level of studies on edible flowers and micro-sprouts is still viewed with suspicion by some of the stakeholders such as consumers, employees and businesses in the food and beverage industry.
Edible flowers and micro-sprouts are gaining value in the field of gastronomy, as they both add visual value to meals and have health benefits. Although it is known that these edible flowers, which will be used to decorate food product or plate presentations, can be consumed as food, they must be tasted before using. 
The inclusion of these products in recipes inspired chefs working in the field of gastronomy and increased their courage. Micro sprouts, on the other hand, are among the favorite products of kitchens, enriching and embellishing beverages, salads, starters, soups, sandwiches and desserts with their intense aromas, bright colors and refreshing flavors. 
The use of these products, which add value to the products offered in a food and beverage business, arouses the curiosity of the consumers and provides them to gain appreciation. As these new trendy products take their place on the menus, they will shed light on this issue for the whole sector, and information will be provided on the usage areas and diversity of edible flowers and micro-sprouts.
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As the head chef Ahmet ÖZDEMİR, I see the source:
Mr. I sincerely thank Anıl ÖRNEK for his academic studies on "Edible Flowers and Micro Sprouts in the Food and Beverage Industry" and wish him success in his professional life . It will definitely be considered as an example by those who need it in professional kitchens, related research and in the world of gastronomy.
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