• What is a Banquet? What is Protocol?
  • What is a Banquet? What is Protocol?
  • What is a Banquet? What is Protocol?
  • What is a Banquet? What is Protocol?
  • What is a Banquet? What is Protocol?
  • What is a Banquet? What is Protocol?

First of all, banquet organization and protocol organization require different rules and behaviors to be considered. As it is not the same thing, the menu planning of both organizations is different. First of all, different features should be taken into account in menu analysis , and service..

What is a Banquet? What is Protocol? What are the Points to Consider in Banquet and Protocol Organizations?What is a Banquet? What is Protocol? What are the Points to Consider in Banquet and Protocol Organizations?
Coord. Chef Ahmet ÖZDEMİR
Today, gastronomy trends are evolving with changing kitchen technologies, cooking techniques and presentation techniques. In the last 10 years, huge strides have been made especially in Turkish cuisine. Thanks to the innovative and successful Turkish cuisine chefs, the knowledge of academician chefs in gastronomy and culinary arts and the knowledge of the regimented and schooled chefs almost created a new fusion in the kitchen .
I see this not as a fusion of food, but as the accumulation of culinary science created by academician chefs and the traditional experience of sarcastic cooks. There are some basic techniques in à la carte cuisines and à la carte restaurants , which are found in different restaurant concept types in tourism and gastronomy , which do not change in the main theme. One of them is banquet and protocol organizations.
So, what are the most important criteria of What is a Banquet and protocol organizations today? What should be considered in such organizations?
First of all, banquet organization and protocol organization require different rules and behaviors to be considered. As it is not the same thing, the menu planning of both organizations is different. First of all, different features should be taken into account in menu analysis , and service features bear little similarities when you consider the majority.
What does Banquet mean in Gastronomy?
Having fun by chatting with the predetermined food and drinks means that the selected people fill their stomach with a rich food menu in the main theme. The word banquet is of Arabic origin and used in the same sense as the word "toy", which entered our old Turkish from the Mongolian language.
In traditional Turkish culinary culture ; The feast is the name given to the organization made to perform, to have fun, to plan, to celebrate, to commemorate. I can list the important situations in Anatolian culture in the past and today that caused banquet organizations as follows;
* The arrival of a relative from the military,
*  The meal given after the wedding,
*  Celebrating a happy memory from the past,
*  The meal given after the engagement,
*  Food given after circumcision,
Today, different banquet organizations are held in addition to the habits of the past. When we consider 2022 world Food Trends & Restaurant Trends , if I need to give some examples of these;
*  A great business deal,
*  Company establishments,
*  Holding establishment anniversaries,
*  Celebrations special to trade houses,
*  Celebrations of Great Commercial Gains,
Banquet programs can be made for those who have financial means in special situations such as. Both our rich Ottoman history and  Surname-i Hümayun "Festivals in the Ottoman Empire" were decorated with nahils. Sultan III. Each of the nahils, which were built at the circumcision wedding of Murad's prince Mehmed, could only be carried by 50 strong-willed shipyard soldiers.
What does protocol meal mean in gastronomy and gastrodiplomacy ?
Protocol means hierarchical ranking according to the level of authority within any state authority. When we consider our country, this ranking is made by taking into account the governor and district governor in the provinces and districts. It is not true that it is derived from the old Latin words "proto" and "kolos" and has a stylistic meaning. It is derived from the word “protocole”, which passed from Latin to French French.
In the official sense, a dinner meeting, a dinner session, official ceremonial dinners between officials of different states, and official dinners in which state-specific and internationally accredited rules applied during the meetings of heads of state are called protocol dinners.
Frankly, I thought about it, researched, added what I knew, and came across a more informative and detailed article than I wrote. I have also stated the missing ones in the source I gave here.
*** You can contact me through my contact information for more information on the subjects specified by labeling, taking into account my professional background in the above article, and to get support for Restaurant ConsultingKitchen Consulting  in the titles within my Service Areas. ***
Coord. Chef Ahmet ÖZDEMİR
International And Intercontinental
Restaurant Consultant And Kitchen Consultant
Ottoman and Turkish Cuisine World Envoy
Turkish Cuisine Chefs, Turkish Chef, Restaurant Consultancy, Kitchen Consultancy.