• What is Sous Vide Cooking Technique
  • What is Sous Vide Cooking Technique
  • What is Sous Vide Cooking Technique
  • What is Sous Vide Cooking Technique
  • What is Sous Vide Cooking Technique
  • What is Sous Vide Cooking Technique
  • What is Sous Vide Cooking Technique

Cooking is the process of creating physical and chemical changes in food by applying heat to food. Some of these changes happen quickly, while others happen slowly. In order for changes to occur slowly, the cooking temperature must be kept at a certain level. However, since it is very difficult to keep the temperature constant in traditional cooking...

Sous Vide Technique in Turkish Literature
*Muhammed YILDIZ-a
Meral YILMAZ-a
Since the emergence of a new cooking technique called sous vide (French for "under vacuum"), this technique has been widely used in cooking various foods, especially meat group. Sous vide technique is a technique in which the food is kept at a certain temperature in a vacuum packaged and cooked using circulating water. Since the technique provides controlled sensitivity in terms of both temperature and time, it is an advantageous technique in terms of contributing to the sensory properties of foods and providing food safety. 
In addition, thanks to the vacuum package used, the transition of the nutritional value of the food to the cooking liquid is prevented. Since it is a special method, it has various advantages and disadvantages compared to traditional methods in its application. The aim of this study is to evaluate the sous vide technique and to examine the studies in the Turkish literature. For this purpose, a document review was conducted within the scope of qualitative research by scanning the sources in the Turkish literature. According to the findings, 33 studies on sous vide were found in the Turkish literature. 
In these studies, fish and red meat were generally focused on, and in these products prepared using the sous vide method, factors such as cooking loss, sensory properties, microbiological properties and storage time were examined. In addition, in a study, the application of the sous vide method in food and beverage service businesses was investigated. The limitation of studies examining poultry meat, vegetables and sous vide method is a striking finding. 
When this method, which is reported to be suitable in mass catering (organization) systems and thought to provide important conveniences in tourism enterprises, is evaluated in terms of Turkish food habits, it has been concluded that it has not yet been accepted. In addition, it has been concluded that Turkish studies are limited compared to foreign literature, and various suggestions have been presented to the sector and academia.
Cooking is the process of creating physical and chemical changes in food by applying heat to food. Some of these changes happen quickly, while others happen slowly. In order for changes to occur slowly, the cooking temperature must be kept at a certain level. However, since it is very difficult to keep the temperature constant in traditional cooking methods, these changes often occur quickly. The sous vide method allows precise temperature control to produce both fast and slow changes (Baldwin, 2012).
Today, individuals focus on healthy and nutritious cooking methods that can preserve the original taste of the food at the maximum level (Nieva-Echevarria, Manzanos, Goicoechea & Guillen, 2017). The sous vide technique provides several advantages compared to traditional techniques, both because it preserves the original taste of the food and is a healthy cooking technique (Creed, 1995). Cooks widely use the sous vide method as it provides a long shelf life by improving the sensory properties of the product compared to traditional techniques (Roldan, Antequera, Martin, Mayoral & Ruiz, 2015).
As a result of the researches, it has been determined that cooking food in vacuumed packages is not a new practice, and that the food was cooked by wrapping it in paper with a method called “en papillote” in ancient times. This method is similar to the sous vide method in terms of packaging (Tansey & Gormley, 2005). The commercial use of the technique started in France in the 1970s and is widely used today. Although it is not a very new method and it is widely used, it has been determined that the studies in the Turkish literature in the field of sous vide are limited in number compared to the studies in the foreign literature. In this study, the sous vide method is conceptually (its features, application methods, positive and negative aspects, usage areas, etc.).
“SOUS VIDE” Concept, Technique and Usage Areas
The sous vide method is a technique that has the potential to produce high-quality dishes and is cooked in vacuum bags under controlled temperature and time conditions (Baldwin, 2012). When the history of the method is examined, it is seen that similar techniques such as cooking by wrapping in parchment paper and cooking in closed containers have been used since ancient times. The discovery of the sous vide method for food preparation was made in the mid-1960s (1967) by Georges Pralus, a chef in Briennon, France (Creed, 1998; Tiampo, 2006). The purpose of the method is to prevent oxidation and increase the quality of food by reducing the contact of oxygen in the air with food (Oz & Zikirov, 2015: 121). The French term “sous vide” meaning “under vacuum” is a technique in which food is packaged and cooked using a low temperature vacuum. 
Sous vide can also be defined as cooking in heat-resistant vacuum packages for a certain period of time under controlled temperatures (Roldan et al., 2013; Baldwin, 2012; Garcia-Segovia, Andres-Bello & Martinez-Monzo, 2008). According to another definition, sous vide can also be defined as a technique in which raw or partially cooked food is placed in a vacuum bag or container, subjected to heat treatment with controlled cooking, served immediately or cooled quickly and reheated for service after a storage period. , 1998).
The cooking process is usually carried out at low temperatures below 100°C and requires longer cooking time than traditional cooking methods. This technique improves the sensory properties of food and preserves its nutritional value (Creed, 2001). In addition, this method preserves various vitamins and fatty acids in food (Wan, Cao & Cai, 2019; Schellekens, 1996).
This method is also called low temperature long-term cooking. One of the reasons this cooking method is popular with chefs is that it provides them with new possibilities for cooking meat, such as precise temperature and time control. This technique is widely used because it creates attractive texture and color and softens particularly tough meats. In addition, it is less sensitive to changes in the preparation process during sous vide cooking compared to traditional preparation methods (Montensen, Frost, Skibsted & Risbo, 2012).
Since hot water tubs are used in the sous vide technique, a homogeneous cooking is ensured by better penetration of the heat into the product. Therefore, in traditional cooking methods, there is no need for processes such as turning and mixing, which are applied to ensure homogeneous cooking of the product (Yılmaz & Bilici, 2014). 
The sous vide technique is applied in two ways for cooking the products: First, cooking-serving, which consists of vacuum packaging, cooking and serving; The second is cooking-cooling, which consists of vacuum packaging, cooking, rapid cooling, storage in the refrigerator or freezer, reheating just before consumption and serving (Schellekens, 1996; Baldwin, 2012). Boiling and poche (not boiling at boiling point, in water between 60-85°C) methods, which are similar to the sous vide method in terms of cooking in water with this method, have been evaluated in terms of time and temperature and can be seen in Table 1.
Table 1. Comparison of sous vide method and traditional methods 

Red meat

Sous Vide



Nutritional value (Sous Vide)





The sap of the product is preserved by preventing the passage of various nutrients, especially water-soluble vitamins and minerals, into the cooking liquid.

Cooking Time

1-48 hours

30-150 min.


Poultry Meats

Sous Vide







Cooking Time

45-180 min.

30-90 min.



Sous Vide



By preventing the passage of beneficial fatty acids into the cooking liquid, the juice of the product is preserved.





Cooking Time

40-70 min.

10-45 min.


Vegetables & Fruits

Sous Vide



The cellular structure of vegetables deteriorates less and the loss of elements such as vitamins and minerals is prevented.





Cooking Time

10-180 min.

10-25 min.



Sous Vide



With controlled temperature and time, excessive cooking is prevented and the loss of various nutrients is prevented.





Cooking Time

60 min.

6-14 min.

3-4 min.

Source: Baldwin, 2012; Sous Vide Time and Temperature Guide, ChefSteps.com, nd; Eraslan, 2018; Ghazala, Aucoin, & Alkanani, 1996; Stankov, Fidan, Rusev & Baeva, 2020)
With the sous vide method, foods are cooked alone or together with other auxiliary products (dressing) in vacuumed packaging. For this, the food is placed in plastic food bags suitable for the heat-resistant sous vide method, and the mouth is closed by vacuuming. The vacuumed bag is placed in a cooking vessel with fully controllable water circulation and is cooked for a certain period of time at a temperature suitable for the food. At the end of cooking, the product is taken out of the water and served directly or by subjecting it to a second cooking process in a pan. The purpose of subjecting it to a second cooking in the pan is to create the maillard reaction and caramelization, which adds flavor to the food (Baldwin, 2012; Haskaraca & Kolsari, 2013).
Advantages of Sous Vide Technique
The vacuum pack used in the technique increases the heat transfer during cooking. In addition, if the cooked product is to be stored (cook-cool or cook-freeze production system), it prevents contact, eliminates the risk of contamination and oxidation of the food, and increases the shelf life of the product (Creed & Reeve, 1998; Roldan et al., 2013; Armstrong & McIlveen, 2000). . In addition, this method prevents the transfer of unwanted odors and flavors to the food during cooking and storage, and minimizes the loss of nutritional value (Baldwin, 2012). 
This technique can be applied to foods such as meat, chicken and fish that are stored cold and are susceptible to spoilage. By prolonging the shelf life, it provides products that are economical for the producer and seller, and useful for the consumer. The product to which the technique is applied can be made ready for service in a short time and easily when requested by the consumer. It provides the opportunity to make the food more delicious by making additions such as dressing. Thanks to vacuum packaging, it prevents bacterial activities caused by oxygen and reduces oxidation. Thus, the loss of nutritional value in foods where the technique is applied is reduced. This technique can be applied to red meat, fish, poultry as well as many other products. (Creed & Reeve, 1998).
Disadvantages of Sous Vide Technique
Tools-equipment (cooking equipment) and vacuum packages used in vacuum packaging and cooking can bring additional costs to the business. It is necessary to follow the cold chain well in sous vide applied foods. If the applied temperature is low and the time is insufficient, failure to provide the cooking conditions properly may cause the proliferation of various disease-causing microorganisms. Due to poor manufacturing conditions, the product is contaminated, and as a result of not maintaining the cold chain, quality loss is observed in the food and the expected shelf life cannot be achieved. In addition, trained workers are needed to determine and apply the cooking conditions to be applied. (Creed & Reeve, 1998).
Usage Areas of Sous Vide Technique
The sous vide technique is used in cooking many food groups such as beef, poultry, eggs, fish and seafood, vegetables and fruits. Products are cooked in a way that does not pose a risk in terms of food safety, without losing their own juice and nutritional value, without deteriorating their structure (Baldwin, 2012). Although it is applied to a wide variety of foods, the use of the technique in meats has been very effective in its popularity (Ruiz-Carrascal, Roldan, Refolio, Perez-Palacios & Antequera, 2019). In addition, due to the fact that meat is more complex and requires special processing compared to other food groups, cooking with the sous vide method, which provides controlled conditions, is preferred in terms of both contributing to its sensory properties and ensuring food safety.
Cooking Red Meat with Sous Vide Method
Sometimes, results such as drying and loss of taste occur in meat cooked with traditional methods. The sous vide method offers cooks the opportunity to cook all kinds of meat juicy, tender and delicious (Baldwin, 2012). Various changes occur in meat as a result of heat (Tornberg, 2005). Sous-vide cooking conditions used by cooks for different types of meat are quite different from traditional cooking conditions, as both temperature and cooking time have a major impact on the quality of meat (Roldan et al., 2013; Christensen, Ertbjerg, Aaslyng & Christensen, 2011).
Veal consists of an average of 75% water, 20% protein, 5% fat and other substances. During cooking, heat is used to bring about some changes (protein denaturation) in proteins. How much a type of protein will be modified depends on heat and time (Baldwin, 2012). Changes in the core temperature of the meat affect the juiciness, smell, taste and tenderness of the meat. As a matter of fact, when the core temperature rises above 60°C, softness and juiciness decrease and the loss of nutritional value increases (Bejerholm & Aaslyng, 2003). Therefore, temperature control is required while cooking meats.
In order to cook meat with the sous vide method, it must first be determined whether the meat is soft or hard. If necessary, the meat to be cooked can be pre-seasoned. Most seasonings are usually made with ingredients such as vinegar, wine, fruit juices, yoghurt. As a matter of fact, the seasonings using alcohol in the sous vide method cause the vacuum bag to swell during cooking (Baldwin, 2012).
When cooking soft meats, short-term cooking should be ensured by making rapid changes. The tenderness of meat increases between 50°C and 65°C, but decreases between 65°C and 80°C. Soft meats should be cooked between 50°C and 65°C until the core temperature reaches a desired safe point (Powell, Dikeman & Hunt 2000; Baldwin, 2012; Tornberg, 2005).
While cooking hard meats, the collagen in hard meat is converted into gelatin by applying heat for a long time, which softens the meat. At temperatures above 55°C, collagens begin to turn into gelatin. In the sous vide technique, cooking is carried out at temperatures between 50°C and 65°C for an average of 24 hours. Very tough meats are cooked at 80°C for 10-12 hours or at 55-60°C for 1-2 days, medium hard meats are cooked at 55-60°C for 6-8 hours (Tornberg, 2005; Baldwin, 2012).
Meat cooked using the sous vide technique can be refrigerated, frozen or served immediately for later serving. If food is refrigerated for later serving, it should be heated to the temperature at which it was cooked before serving. Heating is generally done in water at a temperature of 53-55°C (Baldwin, 2012).
There are also some disadvantages of cooking meats with the sous vide technique. The most important of these is that maillard reactions do not occur in meat cooked in low temperature conditions. Meat cooked in sous vide is cooked in a hot pan with a little oil for an average of 1 minute. The Maillard reaction can be achieved by cooking (Ruiz-Carrascal et al., 2019).
Cooking Fish with the Sous Vide Method
It has been determined that beneficial fatty acids found in fish cooked by sous vide method are more preserved than fish cooked using traditional methods (Ghazala et al., 1996; Stankov et al., 2020). With this method, fish are kept at 46-49°C for 30 minutes. It is cooked throughout (Baldwin, 2012).
Cooking Poultry Meats with the Sous Vide Method
With the sous vide method, chicken meats provide the opportunity to cook by neutralizing disease-causing microorganisms without losing their odor compounds, juice and nutritional value (Stankov et al., 2020). Disease-causing microorganisms become ineffective in poultry meat cooked using the sous vide method; It has been observed that the structure of the meat is softer and juicier than the traditional boiling method, and the loss of nutritional value occurs less (Nishimura, Miyamoto & Higasa, 2004).
Chicken meat treated with sous vide method can be stored for 14 days at 4°C without losing its sensory properties and not posing a risk in terms of food safety (Stankov et al., 2020). In another study, it was observed that chicken meat with sous vide method could be stored at 2°C for up to 7 weeks (Wang, Duan & Teng, 2014). With this method, poultry meat is cooked at 58-80°C for 4-6 hours (Baldwin, 2012).
Cooking Vegetables and Fruits with Sous Vide Method
In the traditional method of boiling in water, which is frequently used in vegetables and fruits; The rich nutritional values ​​of vegetables and fruits pass into the cooking water. In addition, rapid cooking at high temperatures causes excessive damage to the cellular structure of vegetables and fruits. Unlike traditional methods, vegetables and fruits cooked with the sous vide method are cooked without losing their nutritional value and unique aromatic compounds (Stankov et al., 2020).
In addition, it has been observed that the antioxidant properties of vegetables and fruits with sous vide method are higher than those with traditional methods (Kosewski et al., 2018). The sous vide method is a very suitable method for the preparation of various vegetables and fruits. In order to cook vegetables and fruits with the sous vide method, the temperature is 80°C and the time is 3 times the time in traditional cooking methods (Baldwin, 2012).
Research Method
In the study, as a data source, studies on sous vide cooking method in our country were reviewed and evaluated. In order to obtain the findings, only Turkish pages were searched by typing the keyword "sous vide" into the "Google Scholar" search engine on 12.07.2020. The thesis, article and paper studies reached were examined using the "Document Review" method and a qualitative research was carried out. Document review; It is defined as data collection based on the examination of existing documents and records. 
The technique, which was first expressed as documentary observation, is now called the "document method" and in this method, all kinds of written letters, reports, books, statistics, etc. The material data source is examined according to a determined system. This qualitative method is a necessary data collection technique for all research (Kıral, 2020).
As a result of the research; Although it is not a new method, it is seen that the studies on the sous vide method in our country are limited compared to the foreign literature. As a matter of fact, on 13.07.2020, more than 30,000 studies are found when a search is made in English with the keyword "sous vide" on the "Science Direct" website. These studies generally focus on the sensory properties and microbiological properties of meat products (red meat, poultry, fish) and various vegetable products prepared by the sous vide method. 
The first of the studies on the sous vide method in our country was published in 1996, the next study was in 2009, and from this period to the present, the numerical increase was determined along with the diversity in the studies. After scanning with the word “sous vide”, a hundred pieces of data were reached, and it was determined that approximately 60% of this data belonged to different formats of a work with the bibliography content of different studies. A total of 33 theses, papers and articles, which were reached as a result of the national literature review conducted in this study, were evaluated (Table 2).
Table 2. Number and types of documents taken into consideration 

Document type


Date range







Conceptual work



Hands-on work









The papers reached in the Turkish literature on sous vide were examined and the findings are shown in Table 3. 
Table 3. Papers involving the sous vide technique





A Bibliometric Analysis of Studies in the Field of Molecular Gastronomy



Content of the Study

Ceylan and Sarıışık, in the statement they presented in 2019; A bibliographic analysis of the studies examining molecular gastronomy techniques, including the sous vide technique, was made. When we look at the findings of the study, it was stated that some of the studies were conceptual and the number of technical studies was limited.



Gastronomy in Seafood


Content of the Study

Dikel and Demirkale, in the statement they presented in 2019; The application of sous vide technique and other molecular cuisine techniques to seafood was evaluated. It is stated that with the sous vide technique, the nutritional value of seafood can be preserved and its shelf life can be extended.

When Table 3 is examined, it is seen that only 2 papers in Turkish have been reached in the literature. In one of these papers, a bibliographic analysis was made on molecular gastronomy techniques; In the other paper, a conceptual evaluation was made on the application of molecular gastronomy techniques to seafood.
The articles on sous vide in the Turkish literature are gathered under two headings, conceptual and applied, and presented in Table 4.
Table 4. National conceptual and applied articles on the sous vide technique


Applied Studies






The Application of Sous Vide Technology to Our Traditional Dishes

Content of the Study

Topal, Pala and Saygı, in their study in 1996; In order to extend the shelf life of the "Çoban Kavurma" dish, which is one of the Turkish Cuisine products, the dish was subjected to sous vide process after it was prepared with traditional methods. It has been concluded that the samples using the sous vide method can remain without losing their properties for up to 63 days and can be stored in a way that does not pose any risk in terms of food safety.






Vacuum Packed Cooking Method (Sous Vide) and Rainbow Trout (Oncorchynchus mykiss Walbaum,


Content of the Study

Çetinkaya, Bilgin Ş., Ertan and Bilgin F. In their study conducted in 2016, sous vide cooking process was applied on “Rainbow Trout” and it was examined whether there was any change in nutritional value. At the end of the study, it was determined that Rainbow Trout, which was applied sous vide cooking method, suffered less loss in nutritional value than traditional methods and had positive effects in terms of sensory properties. (derived from thesis work).




Evaluation of Molecular Culinary Techniques (Culinary Science) by Sensory Analysis Method

Content of the Study

In this study conducted by Aksoy and Mete in 2017, the sensory properties of beef tenderloin cooked with the sous vide method were examined and it was concluded that the most suitable conditions for the textural properties of the meat were 6 hours at 65°C. (derived from thesis work)

Table 4. National conceptual and applied articles on the sous vide technique (Continued)








Increasing Shelf Life of Sous-Vide Cooked Rainbow Trout by Natural Antioxidant Effective Rosemary:

Basic Quality Criteria

Content of the Study

In this study conducted by Çetinkaya, Bilgin and Ertan in 2017, sous vide cooking technique was applied to rainbow trout with rosemary added. In the results of working; It was determined that the vacuum packed and uncooked fresh fish deteriorated on the tenth day, the fish without rosemary added and sous vide cooking applied on the fortieth day, and finally the fish with rosemary added and sous vide cooking on the 45th day. In line with the findings obtained in a similar study conducted by Ceylan and Şengör in 2019, it has been shown that the sous vide cooking method and various herbs added to the product have positive effects on the storage period of the product.






Investigation of Quality Changes of Zebra Fish (Sander lucioperca Linnaeus, 1758) Stored at +2± 1?C by Applying Sous-Vide Technique at Different Temperature Combinations

Content of the Study

In this research conducted by Çağlak, Karslı and Şişmanlar Altıkaya in 2017, pike perch was subjected to sous vide processing at 60°C, 70°C and 80°C. Looking at the results; The storage times of the fish processed at 60°C, 70°C and 80°C were determined as 28, 35 and 56 days, respectively, at 2°C without posing a risk in terms of food safety. (derived from thesis work).






Effects of Storage on The Quality Of Sous Vide Processed Lamb Liver

Content of the Study

In this study conducted by Belibağlı and Ersan in 2018, in which lamb livers were examined, it was determined that the risks in terms of food safety and loss of taste, aroma and food safety remained at a minimum level for up to 8 weeks at 3°C. In addition, it has been shown that the sous vide technique provides long-term preservation in line with consumer demands, provided that the cold chain is not disrupted.








Can Molecular Gastronomy Be Used in Mountaineering Tourism?

Content of the Study

In this research carried out by Alpaslan, Tanrısever and Tütüncü in 2018, in the context of mountaineering tourism, in order to overcome the problems of rapid bacterial growth due to the change and deterioration of ready-to-use foods during the climb, as well as the heating of products at low temperatures at high altitudes, it is stated that the foods with high nutritional value, which protects the essence fluid, which is high in nutrients, Molecular gastronomy techniques (due to the common intersection points of mountaineering and molecular gastronomy) were evaluated in line with their demands consisting of products cooked with mild heat without losing their value. As a result, it has been stated in the study that among the seven molecular gastronomy methods that can be used for the preparation of the desired menus, the sous vide technique is one of the most suitable techniques to meet these demands for mountaineering tourism.






Determination of Some Quality Changes of Sous Vide-Sea Bass Fillets (Dicentrarchus labrax, Linnaeus, 1758) Treated with Dried Basil, Fresh Garlic, and Dill Weed

Content of the Study

In the study by Ceylan and Şengör in 2019, in which the sous vide technique was applied to sea bass to which basil, garlic and dill were added, the preservation period was up to 28 days in the traditional sous vide technique, and the duration increased to 42 days in the sous vide application in which these plants were added. In this direction, it has been shown that various plants added in this technique have a positive effect on the storage time and sensory properties.









The Effect of Different Cooking Techniques on Some Chemical and Bioactive Properties of Carrot Slices

Content of the Study

According to the results of this research conducted by Özer and Tepe in 2019 on the effects of cooking methods on the antioxidant activity, phenolic compounds and beta carotene amount in carrots; It was observed that the sous vide technique decreased the antioxidant activity with the amount of phenolic compounds and beta carotene in carrots inversely proportional to the temperature. As it is known, the preservation of the nutritional value of the product is at the forefront in the sous vide technique. However, the factor to be considered in this study is the temperature parameter to which the technique is applied. 90°C was used to cook the carrots using the sous vide technique. This temperature is very close to the boiling and poche method, and even above the temperature used in the poche method. It is thought that this decrease in antioxidant activity, phenolic compound and beta carotene amount is due to high temperatures. Therefore, it is suggested that the sous vide technique should be applied at lower temperatures for carrots.



Conceptual Studies





Sous-Vide Technology and Applications in Aquaculture

Content of the Study

In this study, a literature review on the application of sous vide technique to aquaculture by Mol and Özturan in 2009; It has been concluded that the application of this technique in fish gives successful results in terms of increasing shelf life and increasing sensory properties, and that the technique is suitable for use in fish.




Application Possibilities in Sous Vide Cooking and Meat Technology

Content of the Study

In this review study conducted by Haskaraca and Kolsarıcı on the application of the sous vide technique in meats in 2013; It was concluded that the technique contributed to the sensory properties and shelf life of meat.





Alternative Cooking Method in Mass Nutrition Services: "Sous Vide".

Content of the Study

In this study conducted by Yılmaz and Bilici in 2014, the sous vide method; It has been concluded that it is suitable for use in mass nutrition systems because it extends the storage period of the food, contributes to its sensory properties and is microbiologically safe.





Effect of Sous Vide Cooking Method on Nutritional Values of Vegetables.

Content of the Study

Among the results of this study conducted by Coşansu and Kıymetli in 2016; It is seen that the sous vide method for vegetables has less loss of nutritional values (especially vitamins) due to time and temperature compared to traditional cooking methods, and vegetables can be stored for a long time with minimal loss of sensory properties.





Investigation of Quality Parameters of Fish Treated with Sous Vide Technology.

Content of the Study

In this conceptual research conducted by Ceylan and Şengör in 2017 on the preparation of fish by the sous vide method, it was concluded that traditional cooking methods cause loss of nutritional value in fish due to the delicate structure of the fish, and sous vide method is a suitable method for the preparation of fish.





Sous-vide Cooking Technique: Its Effects on Meat Quality

Content of the Study

In this conceptual study conducted by Serdaroğlu and Derin in 2020; The effect of sous vide applications on meat was investigated and it was concluded that the sous vide technique increases the quality of the product by reducing the moisture content, nutritional value and reactions that cause deterioration compared to traditional cooking methods.





Can Molecular Gastronomy Be Used in Local Foods?

Content of the Study

In the study conducted by Alpaslan, Pamukçu and Tanrısever in 2020, the applicability of molecular cuisine techniques such as sous vide in traditional dishes was investigated. According to this study, although molecular cuisine techniques have the potential to affect the local culture negatively by changing it, it is emphasized that the techniques related to this cuisine are interesting and intriguing and contribute to cultural diversity.

When Table 4 is examined, it is seen that there are 16 articles in total in the Turkish literature and 9 of them are applied and 7 of them are conceptual. It is noteworthy that the first study conducted in 1996 was a study examining the storage time of Çoban Roast, a dish of Turkish cuisine, within the scope of sous vide method. Studies on fish were carried out in 4 of the applied studies; In other studies, the usability of lamb liver, carrot and sous vide technique and the evaluation of molecular cuisine techniques including sous vide technique were emphasized. At this point, it is noteworthy that the number of studies on fish is high. 
In addition, no application-based study was found on poultry.
When conceptual studies are examined, it is seen that the benefits of the sous vide method and its applicability to various products have been studied. When we look at the conceptual studies in general, it is stated that the sous vide method is a method that can be applied in many foods and provides benefits in terms of preserving the nutritional value, extending the shelf life, and protecting the sensory properties of the product compared to traditional cooking methods.
The thesis studies reached in the Turkish literature on sous vide are shown in Table 5. 
Table 5. Thesis studies using the sous vide technique


Thesis Studies





Determination of Quality and Shelf Life in Sous Vide Fish Cooked in Vacuum Packaging

Content of the Study

In this thesis study conducted by Özturan in 2009, sous vide cooking technique was applied to various fish species and their storage times were examined. According to the findings of the study, it has been determined that bonito and haddock can be stored at +4°C for 35 days, at +12°C for 21 days and haddock for 15 days without spoiling.







Preservation of Chicken Meatballs with Sous Vide Method

Content of the Study

In a study conducted by Harun in 2012, the sous vide method was applied to chicken meatballs. Sensory changes and storage times of chicken meatballs after cooking at different temperatures were evaluated. After the study, the group that got the highest sensory score and had the opportunity to store at +2°C for 70 days was 10 minutes at 90°C. It was determined that the group was cooked with the sous vide method. As a result, it has been concluded that when chicken meat, which has high nutritional value and is economical, is converted into meatballs, cooked by sous vide method and stored under the above-mentioned conditions, it will make significant contributions to ready-to-eat food technology.







The Effect of Combining Sous Vide and Irradiation Technologies on the Shelf Life of Fish

Content of the Study

In the thesis study conducted by Tanrıverdi in 2013, sous vide technique was applied to mackerel fish and then the cooked products were subjected to irradiation to prevent the development and proliferation of microorganisms. Looking at the study findings, it was determined that the products that were exposed to irradiation deteriorated in the 8th week, whereas the products that were not irradiated deteriorated in the 6th week. As a result of the study, it was predicted that the sous vide method, which already extends the storage period, can be combined with different storage techniques and may be effective in extending the shelf life of foods.






Shelf Life of Luciobarbus esocinus (Heckel, 1843) Treated with Vacuum Cooking (Sous Vide)


Content of the Study

In this thesis study conducted by Yaz in 2013, the storage period and sensory characteristics of the Euphrates Crane (Luciobarbus esocinus) were investigated by applying the sous vide technique. According to the results of the study, it has been reported that the products with the sous vide technique can be stored for a longer period of time without spoiling, and these products are more appreciated as a result of the sensory analysis.







Amine Formation and Some Qualitative Effects of Sous Vide Cooking Method in Beef

Effects on Criteria

Content of the Study

amines , which are harmful substances that occur in meat products using traditional and sous vide cooking methods, and the changes in meat were examined. According to the study findings; It has been determined that the meat cooked using the sous vide method suffers less water and cooking losses than the meat cooked in the pan. In addition, it was determined that the amount of heterocyclic aromatic amine was similar in all three methods. As a result, it was stated that sous vide cooking method does not have any risk in terms of increasing the amount of heterocyclic aromatic amines formed in meat.







Microbiological Quality of Hungarian Goulash Meal Prepared Using Sous Vide Production Technique


of the study


In the thesis study conducted by Yılmaz in 2014, the storage time of the product was evaluated by applying the sous vide cooking method of Hungarian goulash. In the study, in which sensory analyzes could not be performed, it was concluded that the goulash dish could be stored at +2°C for 20 days without spoiling after it was subjected to the sous vide cooking process. As a result of the study, it was suggested that studies examining the sensory analyzes of the products should also be done.







Optimization of Sous Vide Cooking Method and Determination of Shelf Life in Turkey Cutlet Cooking

Content of the Study

Bıyıklı aimed to determine the most suitable combination of temperature and time for the preparation of turkey cutlets by sous vide method in his thesis study conducted in 2015. According to the results of the study, in terms of cooking turkey cutlets with sous vide method and preventing chemical and sensory changes during storage after cooking, the most appropriate temperature and time combination is 40 minutes at 65°C. has been determined. It is stated that the products processed at this temperature and time combination can be stored without deterioration for 35 days at +4°C and for 21 days at +12°C.

Table 5. Thesis studies using the sous vide technique (Continued)








Listeria monocytogenes of Olive Leaf Extract Added to Ground Minced Meat Cooked by Sous Vide Method

Effect on

Content of the Study

In the thesis he conducted in 2016, Kıymetli investigated the effect of olive leaf extract on minced meat against disease-causing microorganisms by adding olive leaf extract to minced meat cooked by sous vide method. Looking at the results of the study; It was observed that there was a decrease in disease-causing microorganisms in the minced meat group with olive leaf extract compared to the minced meat group without added olive leaf extract. As a result, it is thought that the use of sous vide cooking method together with various applications to extend the storage period of this technique is even more effective on the shelf life and food safety of the food.






The Effect of Sous Vide Technology on the Quality Characteristics and Storage Stability of Döner

Content of the Study

In this thesis study conducted by Haskaraca in 2017, sous vide cooking method was applied to meat doner. According to the study findings; While meat doner kebabs can be stored at +4°C for up to 6 days under conventional storage conditions, up to 15 days in modified packaging, and up to 20 days in vacuum packaging, meat doner kebabs with sous vide cooking technique can be stored up to 99 days without any loss of quality.





From Molecular Culinary Techniques; Preparation of Sample Standard Recipes by Examining Encapsulation, Smoking, Sous-vide, Cold Cooking, Liquid-Nitrogen Techniques by Sensory Analysis Method

Content of the Study

In the thesis study conducted by Özel in 2018, a total of 20 standard recipes were created, which were examined with sensory analyzes of molecular cuisine techniques, including the sous vide method.





Application of Sous Vide Technology on Zucchini and Eggplant

Content of the Study

Sözü Doğru applied the sous vide technique to zucchini and eggplant vegetables in his thesis study in 2018. As a result; It was concluded that the vegetables to which this method was applied can be stored at +3°C for 48 days without losing their sensory properties and nutritional value.






Comparison of Sous Vide Cooked Veal at Different Temperatures with Grilled Meats in terms of Flavor and Aroma-Active Compounds

Content of the Study

In his thesis study, Güçlü, conducted in 2018, applied the grill cooking and sous vide cooking methods to the beef meat, and the aroma substances in the meat were examined. Looking at the study findings; it was determined that the most aroma active compound was detected in meats that were sous vide cooking method at 80°C for 5 hours, and also as a result of the sensory analyzes made, this group was the most liked group.






Application of Sous Vide Technology on a Several Meat Product: Tripe

Content of the Study

Bulğak applied the sous vide technique to the rumen in his thesis study in 2019 and evaluated its chemical, microbiological and sensory properties. Accordingly, the most suitable temperature and time combination for cooking the tripe with the sous vide method is 90 minutes at 86°C. has been determined. In addition, the product, on which the sous vide technique was applied, was stored at +4°C for 8 weeks without any deterioration in chemical, microbiological and sensory properties.









Comparison of Sous Vide Method and Traditional Cooking Methods in Different Beef Preparations


Content of the Study

In the thesis study conducted by Babür in 2019, sous vide applied to veal and pan cooking method, which is one of the traditional cooking techniques, was evaluated. Accordingly, it has been stated that veal prepared with the sous vide method provides advantages in terms of chemical, microbiological and sensory properties in terms of storage compared to the traditional pan cooking method, but the traditional method stands out in sensory analysis because the Maillard reaction, which occurs as a result of cooking with dry heat in the pan, cannot occur in the sous vide method. In addition, as a result of applying the sous vide method at 70°C for 2-4 hours, a tougher meat was obtained than the meat cooked in a pan. As a matter of fact, it was stated that the hardening of the meat increased as the time increased in the sous vide method; It was also suggested by the author that the combinations of temperature and time to be used should be investigated further.






Sous Vide Cooking Technique in the Context of Different Tourism Businesses: The Case of Istanbul

Content of the Study

In this thesis study conducted by Baltalı in 2019, the use of sous vide technique in tourism enterprises was investigated. According to the researches made according to this study, it has been determined that the sous vide technique is used in hotels, restaurants and catering establishments; Although it has been determined that these businesses provide important conveniences to the employees, it has been concluded that the foods prepared with the sous vide method are not yet accepted in terms of Turkish eating habits.

When Table 5 is examined, it is seen that 15 thesis studies on the sous vide technique have been reached. It is seen that these studies generally focus on fish and beef, as well as studies on vegetables, chicken, turkey and tripe. In these studies, it is revealed that in addition to examining the microbiological properties of the product and the storage period in this direction, the aromatic and sensory properties of the product are also examined. However, in a thesis study conducted in the sense of a general evaluation; The applicability of the sous vide method in tourism enterprises was evaluated. 
The remarkable finding in this study is; Although it provides very important advantages, the sous vide method is not a preferred method when compared to Turkish food habits.
In addition, there is a study on vegetables, turkey, chicken and tripe apart from red meat, as well as a study aiming to create a standard recipe for some products in which this technique is used.
When the studies in the Turkish literature are examined, it is seen that the studies mostly focus on fish and veal. It has been observed that the studies on products such as poultry meat, offal and vegetables are quite limited. Relevant findings can be seen in Table 6.
Table 6. The products covered in the studies

Examined Product

Number of Studies

Red meat




Poultry Meats






Studies Not Examined Product


As a result of the studies examined, the advantages of the technique are revealed with the data that the sous vide technique creates positive changes on the microbiological properties of the product, and the cooking loss is minimized by preventing the passage of the nutrients in the product into the cooking liquid. In addition, studies show in detail with various examples that the application of the technique with vacuum packaging and the fact that the product can be stored without spoiling the package makes significant contributions to the storage time of the product. In addition, since the temperature and time are kept under constant control during the application of the technique throughout these studies, the degree of cooking of the product can be precisely adjusted; Food safety risks that may occur as a result of undercooking and drying, water loss that may occur as a result of overcooking,
In this study, the sous vide technique was evaluated in general and the studies in the Turkish literature were examined. When the sous vide method is used alone, especially in meats, it causes various deficiencies in terms of the sensory properties of the food. The most important of these are the Maillard reaction and lack of browning. High temperatures (>110°C) are required for the Maillard reaction to occur. Since low temperatures are used in the sous vide technique, the Maillard reaction does not occur. 
In order to overcome this deficiency, sous vide technique should be used together with traditional cooking techniques. At this point, it is necessary to combine the sous vide technique, which can obtain sensory properties close to the original of raw food, with traditional methods or to focus on applied research based on its use.
Since the sous vide method requires a long time to be applied, the food is usually cooled/frozen together with the vacuum package after cooking. Since the package is not spoiled and most of the microorganisms are inactivated, the storage period is quite long, depending on the conditions, and the sensory properties of the food are not adversely affected during the storage. In the sous vide method; Full control of both temperature and time during cooking ensures precise cooking, and negative results can be prevented by being minimally affected by fluctuations in temperature and time that may occur in traditional methods during cooking.
When the Turkish literature was examined, it was seen that some of the studies were conceptual, while other studies focused on fish and veal. It turns out that studies on products such as poultry meat, vegetables and offal, which have a great place and variety in Turkish cuisine, are very limited. Poultry meat, especially chicken meat, is used extensively in the food and beverage industry in terms of being cheap and nutritious, and chicken meat has some risks in terms of food safety. 
By applying the sous vide technique, it may be possible to store chicken meat for a long time without posing a risk in terms of food safety, by contributing to the sensory properties of chicken meat. In this context, studies can be conducted on the application of sous vide technique to different products in order to contribute to both the literature and the sector.
Nowadays, as a result of the decrease in the time spent at home, people are turning to fast and cheap ready-to-eat foods. In the sous vide technique, it is ensured that the product is packaged, cooked and stored without spoiling the package. Therefore, the sous vide technique is thought to be a suitable technique in terms of ready-to-eat food production.
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As the head chef Ahmet ÖZDEMİR, I see the source:
Mr. I sincerely thank Muhammed YILDIZ and Ms. Meral YILMAZ for their academic studies titled "Sous Vide Technique in Turkish Literature" and wish them success in their professional lives. It will definitely be considered as an example by those who need it in professional kitchens, related research and the world of gastronomy.
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